Big Pool or Small Pool: Balancing the Importance of Screening vs Selecting


Using Screening Profiles and the difference between filtering and selecting


The Sketch is a simple multiple-choice online questionnaire that develops behavior profile based on a carefully selected set of behavioral Attributes. The information we can derive from that profile can be used to greatly improve your hiring efficiency and effectiveness in situations both were you have a large applicant pool that requires screening and where you have a small pool that requires selecting rather than screening.

Let me explain.

Suppose you have a large pool of 100 applicants for a position and you know you only want to invest in interviewing 5-10 in your initial interview process and perhaps take 3-5 through your entire interview/evaluation process. The Sketch is an ideal tool to help you identify the people you want to spend more time on evaluating. By using the Sketch Screening Score, you can screen out all but the top 10% or so and review these people for requisite skills, experience, etc. Keep in mind that since the Sketch is a behavioral analysis tool, it does not look at specific skills. Then choose who will entire your interview process.

On the other hand, suppose you have a small group of ten or twenty applicants for a position that must be filled ASAP. In this case we will be more interested in selecting rather than screening and we will be using the detailed information in the behavior profile generated by the Sketch to evaluate each individual's strengths and weaknesses according the behavioral Attributes measured by the Sketch. With the Sketch, you can identify profiles most suited to your situation and the position you need filled. For example, you can identify people who are most likely easily trained or who are most likely to have great communication skills. With the Sketch, you can have a better understanding of the available candidates' strengths and weaknesses and help you select the best from what is available.

Focus on: How To Hire The Best Teachers

The Structured Interview:

What is it and Why use it?


Learn more


Focus on: Selection vs Screening

Big Pool or Small Pool:

Balancing the Importance of Screening and Selecting


Learn more


Focus on: Structured Interview

The Structured Interview:

What is it and Why use it?


Learn more



David Inns, Assistant Superintendent, Tahoe Truckee Unified
2012-12-27, 03:17
“TargetSuccess provided research based training and support to our entire administrative team. The outcomes from the training in teacher selection … read more
Positive attitudes create positive people


Applicant Screening

Online Questionnaire-based Predictive Behavioral Profile

Training in Research-based precisely scripted Structured Interviews


Employee Review and Development Tools

Online Review and Feedback System

Leadership Development Programs

Organizational Culture Development


Applicant Tracking

Easy Online

Works with all online job boards


Easy and Secure


Full integration Support



Candidate Screening


Online Development Programs with Coaching Support


Structured Interview Training and Service


Posting Management


Fast and Direct Support


Specifically for Educators



Increased Student Success


Develop Talent and Leadership


Reduced Turnover


Reduced Hiring Costs


Improved Assessments


Improved Organizational Culture


Hiring the Right People



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Online Tracking and Applications Applicant Suitability Screening and Ranking Structured Interviews Leadership Development